Terauchi Endo Days in Japan 2025
Main event: March, 2025
Hands-on: March, 2025
Kyoto, Japan
Welcome to Japan for the annual International Update in endodontics by Dr. Yoshi Terauchi
The next annual International update in endodontics by Dr. Yoshi Terauchi in Japan will be held on March, 2025 (theoretical session + hands-on) in Kyoto
Dr. Yoshi Terauchi
"I've been doing a lot of research in endodontics and I'm having some incredible results in my hands now. I'm going to share with you my latest techniques and innovations in Kyoto - ancient capital of Japan - which I have never shown before. This will be our annual international meeting which I organize at my home in Japan. I invite doctors from all around the world. This will be a huge meeting. Can't wait!"
Dr. Yoshi Terauchi
MD, DDS, Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Terauchi is a part-time Professor at Tokyo Medical & Dental University and maintains a private practice limited to endodontics since 1998 in Tokyo, Japan. He earned his DDS in 1993 and completed his residency at Tokyo Medical & Dental University in 1995, where he also received his PhD from the Department of Endodontics. He has published numerous articles in peer- reviewed journals nationally and internationally. He also authored in several chapters in textbooks including the 11th edition of Pathways of the Pulp.
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Main two-days event program
Initial root canal therapy does not always result in healing for many reasons. Retreatment may also result in another failure for additional reasons on top of the same reasons for the initial endodontic treatment failure unless the causes of the failure are eliminated. However, if the vital pulp can be saved, there will be neither endodontic treatment nor endodontic retreatment that will be necessary for healing. Therefore, making an accurate diagnosis to identify the causes of the disease is of paramount importance for successful treatment. Without the diagnosis, no treatment will be predictably successful. Second, using predictable and effective techniques to remove the causes of disease is essential to maximize the success. The causes of endodontic treatment failure are often found due to bacterial infection. Therefore, the prognosis of endodontic treatment depends on both removal of infection and prevention of bacterial ingress into the tooth. It is crucial to know the fact that bacteria may persist following initial treatment due to the areas that were inaccessible to instrumentation and irrigation. In addition, iatrogenic accidents such as separated instruments and ledge formation can also be serious problems leading to failure because of the inability to disinfect the canal system apical to those obstructions. Those mishaps that can adversely impact the treatment outcomes should be properly managed. Therefore, in the two-day lecture, the ideal management of such cases will be shown and discussed to improve your success rates in endodontic treatment.
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Hands-on & visiting the private clinic of Dr. Terauchi
The presence of the broken file in the canal hinders the cleaning and shaping of the root canal system, thereby resulting in compromising the treatment outcome. The success rates for removing fractured files widely range from 33% to 95% whereas instrument retrieval time using ultrasonic techniques also widely range from 3 minutes to over 60 minutes due to non-standardized techniques used for each case. The major disadvantage of the non-standardized protocol for instrument retrieval is unpredictable for each case and the excessive removal of sound dentin during the preparation, which may lead to iatrogenic accidents such as perforation and/or ledge formation. A recent study has shown that visible instrument retrieval is highly predictable if the standardized protocol is followed. In the workshop, the standardized protocol for instrument removal, which is both predictable and minimally invasive, will be taught and discussed using the new TFRK.
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Cherry Blossom season in Japan
The cherry blossom (sakura) has been celebrated in Japan for many centuries and holds a very particular place in Japanese culture. Although there are many varieties of cherry tree in Japan, most bloom for just a couple of days in spring. The Japanese celebrate this time of the year with Hanami (cherry blossom viewing) parties: friends, family or work colleagues gather and sit on plastic mats under the blossoming trees, to drink, sing, chat or just admire the spectacle.

In an average year, the cherry blossoms start blooming on 25 March in Greater Tokyo - Yokohama. Then, they hit full bloom (known as "mankai" in Japanese) on 2 April. About a week after that, most of the blossoms fall off the trees.
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Language of the meeting
"Update in endodontics by Dr. Terauchi in Kyoto" is a big international project. We expect doctors coming from all around the world. The main official language of the event is English.
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Visa Support
Citizens of 68 countries coming to Japan for tourism purposes including Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, UK and almost all European nations don't require a Visa and will be granted permission for short-term stay upon arrival.

Visitors from outside these 68 countries must apply for a visa in advance. Click here to link to the official Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan website for further information.

If you need a Visa to enter Japan, once you register for the event you will receive an official Invitation Visa Support letter from the organizer of the event "Dental Arts Academy".
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This international meeting is organized by:
Registration for the Annual Update in endodontics by Dr. Terauchi in Japan (March, 2025)
Hands-on course: March, 2025
Limited number of tickets
Join us in Kyoto for the biggest International update of the year in endodontics!
Dr. Yoshi Terauchi
Event by Dentoki, TECCS & Dental Tribune International
E-mail: info@terauchi2024.com

The International event "Terauchi Endo Days in Japan 2025" is brought to you by LLC TECCS. Email: info@terauchi2024.com. © 2023. All Rights Reserved.
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